Flourishing together

Guide to appreciative inquiry coaching.

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How can we help each other flourish? Flourishing Together explores ways of understanding the power of our conversations, the language we use, and the images we share.
Flourishing Together gives guidelines to coaches to include appreciative and social constructionist ways in their practice. It will help parents to improve their capacity to empower the best in their children and support them in what will make them flourish. As a leader, this book will open new possibilities for your improvement and help you in creating better and more flourishing connections with your team. As a reader, the book will offer you the possibilities to walk into the areas in your life that need more light, and will help you see your own personal history with new eyes.

You can get the book here at Collective ink, click here.

From Neediness to Fulfillment

Beyond relationships of Dependence.

Our relationships are unsatisfactory. They are conditioned by cultural, social and historical factors, which lead us to an inner emptiness. Through centuries of patriartical leadership and feminine dependence we have arrived at the present situation… one of deep unsatisfaction.

The neediness of so many women and the present day situation of lack of true encounter between men and women, has led the author to question,to observe and to suggest new solutions to our present challenges. We need to learn to relate to each other without hurting ourselves, to love each other without attaching one to another, to be accomplices respectful of our identities and freedom, to experience unity in diversity.

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Live in freedom

Reflections on Limits, Dreams and the Essential

To live in freedom is to embrace life, let go of the reins and know how to use them and achieve your goals. You do not live at the mercy of others. You choose each step, according to what you decide. You know what you want and you are aware of your decisions. A free being is the one who recognises their potential, cares for it, nourishes it, uses it and expresses it. It is an awakened being.

To live in freedom you need the power of concentration, which allows you to distance yourself from what is useless, and the power of determination, in order to bring about what you long for. You need to respect yourself, respect others and your surroundings. We have to know ourselves better, question our beliefs, clean out the store cupboard of the memories that keep us anchored to the past and overcome fears, which put a brake on and block our immense creative energy.

This book offers different ideas, questions and reflections so that you might embrace life, change and uncertainty. For you to live in enjoyment, laugh, accept, confront, love and share. For you to let go of the baggage that you do not need.

Miriam Subirana is a Doctor in Fine Arts, University of Barcelona. She coordinates programmes, projects, seminars and retreats, whose objective is to re-find and live one’s identity and enjoy a fuller life.

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Dare to live

Reflections on Fear, courage and Wholeness.

Living without fears and living with wholeness increases our quality of life and makes us happier. Because fear puts a brake on you, it does not allow your energy to flow and it weakens your wellbeing and health in general. What is more, fear impedes the capacity to reason with freedom, to discern between possible paths or begin other clear and new one. Deciding under the influence of fear does not usually lead to wholeness, nor to the clarity of ideas, transparency or light.

To strengthen yourself you have to free yourself of some weaknesses and complexes and, above all, stop comparing yourself to others. However, accepting yourself strengthens your qualities and helps you to be yourself.

Free yourself of the influences that extinguish you, those that diminish your capacity to love, shine, feel free and at peace. They are external influences, but they can also arise from within you like those registers of your past or your habits, or your beliefs and your way of thinking.

To live in wholeness is to be in a state in which the self shines, you are yourself and you dare to present yourself to the world with your singularities, your qualities and your differences. Your energy flows creatively, without blockages or fears.

Know yourself, heal the wounds that keep the pain retained in you and let it go in order to live better.

If your behaviour is motivated by love, gratitude, peace or co-operation, you generate an energy that attracts the positive and awakens enthusiasm and hope because you are freeing yourself from the paralysis that fear causes and you begin to be yourself; your creativity flows and you feel strong in order to accept, face up to things and change.

You can enjoy wholeness in this present moment. Don’t waste even an instant!

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Creativity to reinvent your life

Reflections on Change, Intuition and Spiritual Alchemy.


Creativity is a gift that each one of us has. This book will give you guidelines to having creative power in your hands. That way you will stop being a shipwreck at the mercy of your habits, circumstances, others and time, to be the one who is at the helm of your life. This book will accompany you in discovering what your helm is, how to take a strong hold on it and allow it to guide your life; it will open you to listen to your intuition, your inner teacher that stimulates true creativity. It will give you guidelines in order to go from intention to action, from theory to experience. Discover the creativity that gives you the strength to get you out of the prison of a wrong dream. It is a healing and creating energy of a new paradigm. Personal health, the health of the planet and the health of humanity depend on us all working creatively. You can be more creative. Dare to.

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Who rules in your life?

Reflections on Self-Soveregnity.

Thoughts and thought patterns have a big influence in our lives. Many people do not think about the repercussion of their thoughts. Thinking is something that we do habitually When you create thoughts you generate feelings, attitudes, words and actions, you create the picture of your life. It is up you to break with routine in order not to be influenced by the turmoil of your thoughts. One of the objectives of this book is to help you to be aware of the quality of your thoughts. You can live every moment of your life knowing how to choose consciously good and beneficial thoughts, and learn to protect yourself from negative influences. In order to improve the quality of your thoughts, you have to be aware of the way you think and recognise that each one of us creates our thoughts, whether positive, wasteful or negative. To recognise this situation allows you to lay the foundations of a true positive change in your life.

Recognise the influence that thoughts have in your quality of life. Be aware of your creative capacity. Develop a more positive attitude. Widen the understanding of your spiritual identity. Learn about meditation as a method to channel the energy of your mind. Develop your virtues.

Get your copy here.

Actitudes ante la incertidumbre

No se trata de vivir resignados, sino de buscar nuevos caminos si las circunstancias impiden seguir al pie de la letra nuestro plan original. Esperar da espacio para ser introspectivo y encontrar la mejor respuesta.

Cuando creemos que lo tenemos “todo controlado”, nos sentimos seguros y andamos con paso firme. Vivimos procurando controlar que nuestros planes lleguen a buen puerto. Cuando ocurre algo imprevisto, nos estresamos, irritamos o enojamos. Lo imprevisto no estaba en nuestros planes y la duda se apodera de nosotros. Vivir con incertidumbre significa no saber lo que provoca inquietud y ansiedad, incluso angustia.

Mantener objetivos y planificar cómo lograrlos es necesario para obtener lo que uno quiere. Sin embargo, aunque pensemos lo que vamos a hacer, no podemos responder ante las circunstancias ni ante lo que harán los demás.

La realidad es que es imposible tenerlo todo siempre controlado. Cuando la situación aparece como un obstáculo en nuestro camino, aferrarnos a nuestro plan original produce tensión porque queremos llegar sí o sí a cumplirlo. Sin embargo, la nueva circunstancia quizá lo que pide es un cambio de rumbo, otra respuesta o saber esperar.


Vivimos relaciones insatisfactorias, condicionadas por el lastre social, cultural e histórico que nos ha llevado a un vacío interior. Siglos de liderazgo patriarcal y de feminidad dependiente han desembocado en la situación actual de desencuentro entre hombres y mujeres que me ha llevado a investigar, cuestionar, observar y plantear nuevas soluciones para los retos actuales.

En este libro comparto contigo los resultados de mi búsqueda: Aprender a relacionarnos sin dañarnos, a amarnos sin atarnos, a ser cómplices recuperando y preservando nuestra identidad original y eterna, a experimentar la unidad en la diversidad. Esta es mi propuesta de transformación integral para que sea posible la armonía en las relaciones. Propongo recuperar nuestro poder interior para ser sin necesidad de imponer, forzar ni presionar. Esta es la condición imprescindible para el encuentro con el otro.

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