Nos constituimos como el grupo sabio-logos por nuestra voluntad de ahondar en la sabiduría mediante el diálogo.
- Miriam Subirana
In YesOuiSi my dream becomes true. Creativity, spirituality, service and sharing with people to create generative conversations that transform us, to create safe spaces where we can heal our hearts and our soul can fly following its call to freedom, peace and love.
- Xavier Guix
YesOuisi, is a space of meeting, of creative culture and spiritual hosting, keeping a spirit of community. That is what our world asks for.
This Yes is a song to life, an affirmation of our will to exist, give meaning to life and confirm the wholeness of human being.
Psychologist and writer. Communication and NLP professor.
- Joan Antón Melé
In times where everything tends to be negative, I am attracted to the strong affirmation of Yes Oui Si. Affirm human being in front of life. Yes, life has meaning. Yes to our capacities. It is the affirmation of human being as a free and creator being. Yesouisi is a space of consciousness open to many ways of thinking. Here I found a community of free beings where each one is well received. It is a space of freedom where each one is as they are. Yesouisi is a consciousness center.
- Marita Osés
Me interesa el ser humano, en su soledad y en sus relaciones personales, y la espiritualidad como vía hacia la plenitud del ser. Me encanta escribir y he sido traductora durante casi treinta años. Uno de los textos más fascinantes y complicados de traducir es la vida misma y creo que detrás de cada obstáculo se encuentra una oportunidad de crecimiento y una clave para la felicidad. Por eso me dedico al coaching desde 2012.
En Yesouisi vivimos la locura de tener esperanza, de creer que las cosas pueden ser mejores y de que nosotros podemos hacer algo al respecto. No solo podemos hacer algo, sino que en ello está en juego el sentido de nuestra vida. Cuando Yesouisi acoge el silencio, invita a la interioridad. Cuando suscita las palabras, caben todas, del color que sean, porque es un espacio de relación e intercambio, de debate y de imaginación.
- Joan Quintana
Coach. Relational Institute director. My work is on accompanying people in organizational context.
- Ima Sanchis
I studied at the UAB (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona). I am creator of the newspaper section “La contra” La Vanguardia. My interest and what I most enjoy, what most nurtures me is my profession. I work since I was 16 years old. I travelled the world, have training as a reporter, I did many reports in social issues. In the past 15 years I trave towards the inner world of the human being.
- Francesc Torralba
Philosopher, writer, theologian. Inspirator of nourishing dialogues and heartfelt words. We have come to give what we are, to make something new born, to impregnate the world with our ephemeral and vulnerable presence. We have come to be entrepreneurs, to project our inner potential to make our reality beautiful. It is evident that life is not always as we would like to. It is evident that our dreams not always become reality: our expectations often dissolve like autumn clouds. In our maturity we know that there are days of light and dark days; long days and short days; nights of tears and nights of bliss. YesOuiSi is to say Yes. Yes to life, yes to everything it brings; it also brings deficiencies, betrayals and miseries.
- Miquel Vidal
Fels commited with life, dedicates his existence to coordinate processes and strategies for sustainable development. Future seduces him because that is where we are going to live in the next years… but he is concerned whether we are going to find it.